Increasing penetrations of small scale electricity generation and storage technologies are making an important contribution to the decentralisation and decarbonisation of power system control and operation. Although not currently realised, coordination of local distributed energy resources (DERs) and a greater degree of demand flexibility through digital aggregation, offer the potential to lower the cost of energy at source and to enable remuneration for consumer participation, addressing the rising costs of energy supply, which impacts strongly on all consumers. Methods are required to manage potential distribution network constraints caused by flexible DERs, as well as for determining the risk to delivery of flexibility from these DERs for aggregators. A heuristic network flexibility dispatch methodology is proposed, which can be used to calculate the probability of constraints, and any required adjustments of flexible agent positions to resolve them, at half hourly resolution. The aggregator can use this methodology to manage their portfolio risk, while a distribution system operator can estimate required flexibility to manage constraints down to low voltage level.