We analyze the e¤ects of low-skill o¤shoring on welfare. In the context of a matching model with di¤erent possible equilibria, we discuss two alternative policies that could potentially outweigh the negative welfare e¤ects of o¤shoring, namely, a change of the unemployment bene…ts and the ‡exibilization of the labor market. Our calibrations for the German economy suggest that the ‡exibilization of the labor market can bring low-skill workers to pre-o¤shoring welfare levels by slightly reducing the vacancy costs, something that cannot be accomplished by meddling with the unemployment bene…ts scheme. In addition, we …nd that a full compensation can be achieved by an upgrading of low-skill workers, its size depending on the type of equilibrium involved. In sum, our analysis gives support to ‡exibilization and upgrading by education as best therapies for o¤shoring.