In this research, a descriptive study was carried out in the screening model in order to reveal the relationship between teacher candidates' educational beliefs and 21st century skills. The study group consisted of 233 candidates teachers. Data were collected by using "21st Century Skills Competence Perceptions Scale for Teacher Candidates "and "Educational Beliefs Scale". The relationship between candidates teachers' educational beliefs and 21st century skills was analyzed and the results evaluated. The prospective teachers were; What is the level of 21st century skills and teaching beliefs? Does 21st century skills and teaching beliefs change according to gender and class? Is there a relationship between 21st century skills and teaching beliefs? The answers to his questions were sought. In the research, a positive high level relationship was found between the 21st century skills and sub-factors of Information, Media and Technology Skills and Life and Career Skills of the candidate teachers, while a medium level positive relationship was determined between Learning and Renewal Skills. Candidate teachers have the highest belief in Progressiveness education. When the relationship between 21st century skill levels and gender of prospective teachers was examined, no significant difference was found between male and female prospective teachers. On the other hand, in terms of education beliefs and gender, it was seen that female teacher candidates were higher than men in the belief of progressism.