I 1 778 specimens of Diptera were caught in pitfall traps in two nearly natural grasslands and a grassland polluted by immissions of a phosphate-factory in ThuringiajGDR. The activity density (number of individuals caught in pitfall traps) of the families Chloropidae, Phoridae and Sphaeroceridae clearly dominate in each of the biotopes. In the surroundings of the phosphate-factory a high number of the halobiontic Pelomyiellu mullnchi (Tethinidae) and other halophilic species were caught. The investigations include tests of diversity, of KENKONEN, of time constance (persistence) and reprusentanqe, i.e. the percentage of the total abundance of a species. in the number of the 6 catena units, 'selected in the industrial area. The zoophagons adults only represent 9.7 %-17.8 9/, of total specimens, but a digher number of zoophagous species were caught (14.7 "<--26.67J. Some remarkable species of brachypterous flies have been identified. The saisonality of dominant species caught by the pitfall trapping method exhibits a distinct relationship to the saisonality of these species caught by sweep net method in the Leutra valley near Jena/Thuringia.