The literature reveals that the structures of four unusual oxaphosphetanes have been established byThe Wittig reaction (Scheme 1) is one of the most important methods in organic synthesis. It has been studied in great detail by many workers and yet its mechanism is not completely understood r11.The stereochemical outcome of the reaction, specifically with respect to the olefinic product is highly dependent upon the substituents present on the ylide carbon (R1, R2), the substituents on the carbonyl group (R3, R4), the substituents on the phosphorus (R), and the reaction conditions, such as the base employed to deprotonate the phosphonium cation, the solvent, the temperature, and the ratio of the reactants.Oxaphosphetanes (1) are the only widely accepted intermediates in the Wittig reaction carried out under salt-free conditions (reactions in which only the ylide, the carbonyl compound, and the solvent are present) that have as yet been identified and characterized.