In the theory of positive disintegration (TPD), Dabrowski (1967) describes manifestations of inner energy that serve a developmental purpose and might be more frequently found in gifted individuals, called overexcitabilities (OEs). Most studies present OEs outside of the context of the original theory (Mendaglio, 2012). Atheoretically conceptualized, OEs seem to define the personality trait of openness to experience as each OE can be matched with a specific facet of openness. Descriptions of each facet of openness and its matching OE are very alike. In this paper I argue that they are conceptually equivalent and that current research on openness and OE supports this. The study examined the similarity of OEs to corresponding openness to experience facets via competing models in multigroup confirmatory factor analysis, given their conceptual similarity. O2: Aesthetics and sensual OE, and O5: Ideas and intellectual OE were represented by a single underlying latent construct. High correlations emerged among O1: Fantasy and imaginational OE, O2: Aesthetics and sensual OE, O3: Feelings and emotional OE, and O5:Ideas and intellectual OE; O4: Actions and psychomotor OE had a small positive correlation; and O6: Values had a small negative correlation to emotional OE. Openness to experience seems to encompass OEs; thus, giftedness researchers and practitioners should align with well-researched psychological theories such as the five-factor model of personality (Costa & McCrae, 1992;Goldberg. 1999) and begin to talk about openness rather than OEs. CLEOS was my home in all these years and so I want to thank the CLEOS gang for all the support-without you, this study would not have been a reality (and conferences are fun). I owe it in particular to the last two iterations of the gang: the research core with Barb, Nicole, Olivia, JD, Chris, and Jess, and the counseling team with Karen, Lesley, Jake, Kristen, Darcy, and all sections of PRE 896 Advanced Skills. Take good care of our lovely and wild creative kids when I'm gone. Special thanks to Spamgirl, moderator of Turker Nation, for generously helping me to find a way to conduct this study that would comply with the terms of service of MTurk and PAR.Ahora, a Paraguay. En primer lugar quiero agradecer a mi marido, Rodolfo Parisi, quien me soportó desde aquellos primeros días en nuestra casa de Paraguay mientras yo mandaba solicitudes a programas de Ph.D. y siempre me motivó a dar lo mejor de mí. Si hablo en plural en este párrafo es porque este esfuerzo también es de él. La remamos juntos desde el principio.Quiero agradecer a nuestro hijo Gianluca por ser un bebé contento que balbuceaba al lado mío 5 mientras yo escribía. Mis padres, Marilén y Roberto, merecen un agradecimiento muy especial por su apoyo emocional y concreto; me enseñaron el valor de la educación y es por ellos que estoy hoy en este lugar. Ceci y Diego, gracias por el aguante. Una dedicatoria especial va a mi Oma, Tina (+); este trabajo ejemplifica sus enseñanzas de esfuerzo y dedicación manteniendo la ...