Th e young and the elderly are among the most vulnerable groups in contemporary societies, especially in times of economic slowdown. Th e current retrenchment of the welfare states is buff ering the growing demographic and economic pressures in European countries at the expense of the young and the elderly, and particular subgroups with intersecting high-risk characteristics. However, both investing in the young, who determine a society's future, and providing public support for the elderly, the most deserving needy group, are seen as musts. How well young people fare in their early stage of life is related to their success in the labour market and later well-being, which in turn impacts the sustainability of the welfare state. Challenges for the welfare state are as well that the elderly are being pushed and pulled too early into (pre-)retirement schemes and that many of them fi nd themselves in precarious situations despite their pension income.Th is book refl ects on when and why the young and the elderly are at risk in European welfare states, as well as whether and how specifi c welfare policies respond to their needs. It also identifi es particularly vulnerable groups who cumulate being young or old with other risk characteristics, such as being a woman or having a migration background, and investigates how these disadvantages could be tackled.Th e reader is presented with selective studies addressing policies and institutional settings, as well as individual outcomes and attitudes towards governmental responsibilities. Focusing on the young in its fi rst part, this book reveals the contribution of ethnic and social capital to educational outcomes, and the role of national and European policies in the transition from school to work, the duration of unemployment and the minimum income dependency of Europe's youth. Th e second part of the book focuses on the elderly and discusses intersections with gender and ethnicity in old-age poverty, pension outcomes of mobile (cross-border) workers, the impact of the recent social security reforms and the possible outcomes of including fi nancial assets and housing wealth in oldage income protection. Th e fi nal chapters address the potential erosion of the solidarity of and towards the young and the elderly, as a challenge for the European welfare states.
Intersentia vii
DEDICATIONTh is book is dedicated to Professor Jos Berghman , initiator and director of IMPALLA, the International Master in Social Policy Analysis by Luxembourg, Leuven and Associated Institutes.
Photo: Jos BerghmanIntersentia ix
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSIt is with deep gratitude that we acknowledge the support of a few people without whom this book would not have been the same. First of all, we are immensely grateful to Jos Berghman, who motivated us to edit a book comprising some of the many high-quality contributions that were presented at the 2013 IMPALLAESPAnet conference in Luxembourg. Jos guided us through and inspired us over the years, not only for this book but in many other ways. We sincere...