Aralia elata SEEM. (Araliaceae) is widely distributed in the northeast of China and Korea. Its root bark has been used as a folk medicine for tonic, anti-arthritic, and anti-diabetic effect.1) The young shoot of A. elata is a popular edible plant, especially in the spring in Korea and Japan. Many saponins have been isolated from this plant, [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16] and were reported to show anti-diabetic activity, 17) cytoprotective effect on CCl 4 -induced hepatic injury, 7) ethanol absorption inhibitory effect, 6,14) and hypoglycemic activity. 10-12) Recently, we reported the isolation and identification of various triterpenoid saponins including two new saponins, durupcosides A and B, 2,3) and a cerebroside, aralia cerebroside 18) from the root bark of this plant. As part of our continuing search for antiinflammatory agents from plants, 19) a nonpolar n-hexane extract of the leaves of A. elata was subjected to a chemical investigation leading to the isolation of eight compounds, among which one was new. This paper deals with the isolation and characterization of the new triterpenoid saponin named durupcoside C (5), together with five known saponins (1-4, 6) and two known lipids (7, 8) from the n-hexane fraction of the leaves of A. elata.The dried leaves of A. elata was extracted with MeOH and partitioned as described in the Experimental section. Six saponins (1-6) and two lipids (7, 8) were isolated by successive chromatography using silica and reverse-phase C 18 from the n-hexane fraction. Five known saponins and two lipids were identified as a-hederin (1), 20) 4) urtica ceramides (7) 23) and arisaema glyceride 3 (8), 24) respectively, by direct comparison of the spectral data with the published values.Compound 5 was obtained as a white amorphous powder. A new triterpenoid saponin, together with five known saponins, were isolated from the nonpolar n-hexane fraction of the leaves of Aralia elata. The structure of the new saponin, durupcoside C, was elucidated as hedera-