Scheme 1. Reaction paths with alternative a-agostic transition states leading to threo-2 (left) and erylhro-2 (right) via two consecutive olefin insertions with opposite and identical olefin orientations, respectively. of the migrating alkyl unit, has been proposed by Brookhart and Green." 21 The observations reported here constitute the first experimental evidence for such an a-agostic transition state in zirconocene-catalyzed olefin polymerizations.['31 Experimental (E-I-deuterio-1-hexene: Reaction of 1-hexyne with 1 equiv. diisobutylaluminum hydride in toluene at 0 "C; cleavage with D,O and fractional distillation [G. Wjlke, H. Miiller, Justus Liehigs Ann. Chem. 629 (1960) 222, G . Zweifel, R L. Miller, J. Am. Chem. Sac. 92 (1970) 66781; the 'H-NMR spectrum (doublet of triplets, b = 4.98, ' J = 17.1, "J = 1.5 Hz, 1 H; symmetric multiplet, b = 5.82, 1 H [14]) indicates that (Q-1-deuterio-1-hexene is the only olefin present. (Z)-1 -deuterio-1-hexene-Cleavage with H,O of the hydroalumination product of I-deuterio-1-hexyne [G. W. Kabalka, R. J. Newton, J. Jacobus, J. Org. Chem. 43 (1978) 15671. 'H NMR: 6 = 4.91 (d, ' J = 10.4 Hz), 5 80(m). The presence of ca. 15% [D,]hexane, 10% toluene and 5 % [D,lbutane, indicated by gas chromatography does not interfere with the catalysis or with the isolation of the hydrodimer 2; traces of I-hexyne have to be removed by prolonged stirring with and distilling from solvent-free n-butyllithium.Hydrodimerizations: 3.5 mL (33 mmo!) of (Q-or (a-1-deuterio-1-hexene, 430 mg MA0 (6.6 mmol CH'AIO, Schering AG, M , =z 1300, in 4.5 mL toluene) and 33 pmol of either rac-1 or (C,H,),ZrCI, in 0.5 mL toluene (all under N,)were exposed in a 50 mL autoclave at -5°C to initial H, pressures of 20 and 15 atm. respectively. for 16-20 h; during this time H, pressures fell by ca. 5 atm After quenching with 10 mL 1.5 M aq. HCI and separation ofthe organic layer, 2 was isolated by fractional distillation. Admixtures of ca. 5 % 6,7-[D,]n-dodecane (the tail-to-tail rnis-insertion product) gave weak D-NMR signals just separable from the adjacent signal of eryrhro-2.