Context learning was studied in the Red Opossum, the marsupial, Lutreolina crassicaudata. In Experiment 1 the animals received four trials per day in two different boxes (contexts): X and Y. Half of the animals received periodic deliveries of a sugar solution ( + ) in one box (X+), but not in the other (Y-); the rest received the opposite training (X-), (Y+). Several behavioral categories were recorded during the final trial in each context. Animals approached the feeder significantly more in the positive context. Experiment 2 was designed to determine the extent to which the number of trials per day affected acquisition. Two groups of animals received differential training with either four or one trial per day. No differences between groups were observed, although in both of them, approach to the feeder was significantly higher in the positive context. The results are discussed in relation to both the role of practice distribution on learning in marsupials, and their potential value of this species for the study of learning processes. RESUMEN: Se estudi6 el aprendizaje contextual en la zarigueya colorada Lutreolina crassicaudata. En el Experimento 1 los animales recibieron cuatro ensayos por dia en dos diferentes cajas de condicionamiento (contextos): X e Y. La mitad de los animales recibian peri6dicamente un monto de soluci6n azucarada en una caja, X+, pero no en la otra, Y-; el resto de los animales recibian la contingencia opuesta, X, Y+. Durante el ultimo ensayo en cada caja se registraron varias categorias de comportamiento. Los animales se acercaron al bebedero significativamente m^en el contexto positivo. El Experimento 2 fue disenado para determinar hasta que punto el nvimero de ensayos por dia afect6 la adquisici6n. Dos grupos de animales recibieron entrenamiento diferencial ya sea con uno o cuatro ensayos por dia. No se observaron diferencias entre grupos, aunque en ambos casos el acercamiento al bebedero fue significativamente mAs frecuente en el contexto positivo. Los resultados se discuten tanto en relaci6n con el papel de la distribuci6n de la pr^ctica sobre el aprendizaje en marsupiales, como con el valor potencial de estas especies para el estudio de los procesos de aprendizaje.Associative and cognitive capabilities of marsupials are poorly known despite the potential importance of this group from the comparative point of view (Bitterman, 1986;Papini, 1986). For instance, most of the experiments on Pavlovian conditioning in marsupials lack appropriate Correspondence should be sent to M.