opportunity to spend a long period in the Laboratory for Molecular Engineering of Optoelectronic Nanomaterials (LIMNO). He has invested a lot of time and resources on me, and I always hope that my work measures to his expectations. He gave me a long leash and encouraged me to explore any idea that catered to my skills, due to which I believe I have grown as a person. Always providing perspectives to my ridiculous propositions, his insightful advice and comments were always welcome.My second family would be the past and present LIMNO members. I came to this lab in 2016 when I was first very intimidated by Dr. Aiman Rahmanuddin, who was my project and MSc thesis supervisor. I would credit him as the mold to the organic chemist that I am today. I still remember the discussions we had in the lab and enjoyed watching him perform MMA in the ring. Dr. Liang Yao was the Yin to Aiman's Yang for me: a lot of thought going on behind that calm demeanor. Since we shared common research projects, I would daresay that I was merely trying to mirror his actions and experiments in many cases! I also have mad respect for my other seniors in the lab: Dr. Mathieu Prevot and Dr. Xavier Jeanbourquin, with whom had not interacted much, but their presence was felt in the lab everywhere as they set protocols for literally every experiment.When it comes to Dr. Nestor Guijarro, I can write pages after pages, but I will restrict myself to one paragraph here. I barely spoke more than 2 sentences with him till about 4 months after I started working in LIMNO, but I am proud to say that from then he has been forever, a much-wanted spirit in my life: Thank you, sir!! Your deep insights into how one must science, as opposed to how people science, overview on life other than the lab, motivation to get me to learn new things both in lab and outside, I believe were well accepted and implemented.My colleagues are always helpful and there for everyone and looking back maybe I should have spent more time with you all outside the lab too. I thank Dr. Yongpeng Liu for being the ideal office mate, sharing science, technology, anime, entertainment, and gaming vii information -all of which we have in common. Barbara Alexandra for being kindred souls in the lab -long hours with meticulous sciencing, but with limited publishable content. I also am indebted to you for trying out different experiments together, helping me with PL and AFM, trying wild ideas which probably wouldn't have worked anyway, and for the lunch sessions hosted at your wonderful house with our colleagues.