Dedicated to career of and contributions by Prof. Dr. Michael Graetzel (ISIC, EPFL) on his 75 th birthdayThe key mRNA-binding proteins HuR and AUF1 are reported stress sensors in mammals. Intrigued by recent reports of sensitivity of these proteins to the electrophilic lipid prostaglandin A2 and other redox signals, we here examined their sensing abilities to a prototypical redox-linked lipid-derived electrophile, 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE). Leveraging our T-REX electrophile delivery platform, we found that only HuR, and not AUF1, is a kinetically-privileged sensor of HNE in HEK293T cells, and sensing functions through a specific cysteine, C13. Cells depleted of HuR, upon treatment with HNE, manifest unique alterations in cell viability and Nrf2transcription-factor-driven antioxidant response (AR), which our recent work shows is regulated by HuR at the Nrf2-mRNA level. Mutagenesis studies showed that C13-specific sensing alone is not sufficient to explain HuRdependent stress responsivities, further highlighting a complex context-dependent layer of Nrf2/AR regulation through HuR. Figure 1. HuR, but not AUF1, is a sensor of HNE in HEK293T cells. A) Structures of the native RES prostaglandin A2 (PGA2) and alkyne-functionalized HNE. B) HEK293T cells were treated with HNE(alkyne) (20 μM, 18 h). Click chemistry was used to biotinylate HNE-modified proteins, which were then enriched with streptavidin resin. Shown is a representative blot from four independent experiments. Inset at right: Quantification (mean � SEM) of western blot data from n = 4 independent replicates. ND: not detected.