dMost DNA-based microbial source tracking (MST) approaches target host-associated organisms within the order Bacteroidales, but the gut microbiota of humans and other animals contain organisms from an array of other taxonomic groups that might provide indicators of fecal pollution sources. To discern between human and nonhuman fecal sources, we compared the V6 regions of the 16S rRNA genes detected in fecal samples from six animal hosts to those found in sewage (as a proxy for humans). We focused on 10 abundant genera and used oligotyping, which can detect subtle differences between rRNA gene sequences from ecologically distinct organisms. Our analysis showed clear patterns of differential oligotype distributions between sewage and animal samples. Over 100 oligotypes of human origin occurred preferentially in sewage samples, and 99 human oligotypes were sewage specific. Sequences represented by the sewage-specific oligotypes can be used individually for development of PCRbased assays or together with the oligotypes preferentially associated with sewage to implement a signature-based approach. Analysis of sewage from Spain and Brazil showed that the sewage-specific oligotypes identified in U.S. sewage have the potential to be used as global alternative indicators of human fecal pollution. Environmental samples with evidence of prior human fecal contamination had consistent ratios of sewage signature oligotypes that corresponded to the trends observed for sewage. Our methodology represents a promising approach to identifying new bacterial taxa for MST applications and further highlights the potential of the family Lachnospiraceae to provide human-specific markers. In addition to source tracking applications, the patterns of the fine-scale population structure within fecal taxa suggest a fundamental relationship between bacteria and their hosts.
Microbial source tracking (MST) is used to determine sources of fecal pollution in surface waters and recreational beaches with the goal of minimizing the risk to human health (1-3). Transmission of bacterial, viral, and zoonotic diseases occurs through feces-contaminated water (4), and identification of the type of host inputs (e.g., sewage, wildlife, agricultural) can provide a more accurate assessment of the risks to human health and better direct management actions to reduce likely sources of pollution (5). Identification of fecal sources is based on the assumption that some microorganisms exhibit host-specific distribution patterns (6). The majority of microbial population studies performed to identify members that specifically or preferentially associate with particular animal hosts have used the 16S rRNA gene as a marker (7-9).Bacteria within the order Bacteroidales have been the major focus of molecular MST efforts (10-16), as they have many qualities that make them an effective indicator. These organisms are abundant in the gastrointestinal tract of many animals, some species exhibit an association with particular hosts, and many have persistence and survival chara...