Olimpíada Nacional de Aplicativos (ONDA) is a scientificOlympiad for high school students from all over Brazil. One ofthe problems highlighted in other scientific Olympiads, especiallythose in technological areas, is the disparity in the number ofwomen participating, which are very low. The goal of this work isto present how the ONDA Olympics has solved this problem. Inthis way, ONDA is a different competition, as it providesintegration into teams between boys and girls, where they discuss,present their ideas and their points of view, study abouttechnologies and contemporary themes and develop creativeapplication solutions for a better life in society. One of therequirements to participate in the competition is that the teamcontains one or more girls. The results analyzed based on theprofile of the competition's participants demonstrate howinclusive is the ONDA and how it has served as an inspiration formore girls to participate.