As small commodity features are often few in number and easily occluded by hands, the overall detection accuracy is low, and small commodity detection is still a great challenge. Therefore, in this study, a new algorithm for occlusion detection is proposed. Firstly, a super-resolution algorithm with an outline feature extraction module is used to process the input video frames to restore high-frequency details, such as the contours and textures of the commodities. Next, residual dense networks are used for feature extraction, and the network is guided to extract commodity feature information under the effects of an attention mechanism. As small commodity features are easily ignored by the network, a new local adaptive feature enhancement module is designed to enhance the regional commodity features in the shallow feature map to enhance the expression of the small commodity feature information. Finally, a small commodity detection box is generated through the regional regression network to complete the small commodity detection task. Compared to RetinaNet, the F1-score improved by 2.6%, and the mean average precision improved by 2.45%. The experimental results reveal that the proposed method can effectively enhance the expressions of the salient features of small commodities and further improve the detection accuracy for small commodities.