We present a many-level version for the Pawlak -Dubois&Prade theory of rough approximation of fuzzy sets. Basing on the many-level upper and lower fuzzy rough approximation operators, we define the measure of rough approximation that in a certain sense characterizes the quality of the obtained approximation. Further, the fuzzy rough approximation operators give rise to two alternative topological-type structures considered in the paper. Keywords: Many-level fuzzy rough approximation operators, measure of fuzzy rough approximation, LM -fuzzy (di)topologies, Mlevel L-fuzzy (di)-topologies.2 Many-level L-fuzzy relations 2.1 Basic definitions Let L = (L, ≤ L , ∧ L , ∨ L , * ) be an integral commutative complete lattice monoid (in particular, L = [0, 1] and * a lower semi-continuous t-norm), see, e.g. [8], and let M = (M, ≤ M , ∧ M , ∨ M ) be a complete infinitely distributive lattice. Definition 2.1 An M -level L-fuzzy relation on a set 11th