We consider knots equipped with a representation of their knot groups onto a dihedral group D 2n (where n is odd). To each such knot there corresponds a closed 3-manifold, the (irregular) dihedral branched covering space, with the branching set over the knot forming a link in it. We report a variety of results relating to the problem of passing from the initial data of a D 2n -coloured knot to a surgery presentation of the corresponding branched covering space and covering link. In particular, we describe effective algorithms for constructing such presentations. A by-product of these investigations is a proof of the conjecture that two D 2n -coloured knots are related by a sequence of surgeries along˙1-framed unknots in the kernel of the representation if and only if they have the same coloured untying invariant (a Z n -valued algebraic invariant of D 2n -coloured knots).
57M12; 57M25