In this note we shall continue our study on the initial value problem associated for the generalized derivative Schrödinger (gDNLS) equationx u + µ |u| α ∂xu, x, t ∈ R, 0 < α ≤ 1 and |µ| = 1. Inspiring by Cazenave-Naumkin's works we shall establish the local wellposedness for a class of data of arbitrary size in an appropriate weighted Sobolev space, thus removing the size restriction on the data required in our previous work. The main new tool in the proof is the homogeneous and inhomogeneous versions of the Kato smoothing effect for the linear Schrödinger equation with lower order variable coefficients established by Kenig-Ponce-Vega.Key words and phrases. Derivative nonlinear Schrödinger, local well-posedness. F.L. was partially supported by CNPq and FAPERJ/Brazil.