Some PARI programs have bringed out a property for the non-genus part of the class number of the imaginary quadratic fields, with respect to ( √ D ) ε , where D is the absolute value of the discriminant and ε ∈]0, 1[, in relation with the ε-conjecture. The general Conjecture 3.1, restricted to quadratic fields, states that, for ε ∈]0, 1[, the successive maxima, as D increases, of, where H is the class number and N the number of ramified primes, occur only for prime discriminants (i.e., H odd); we perform computations giving some obviousness in the selected intervals. For degree p > 2 cyclic fields, we define a "mean value" of the non-genus parts of the class numbers of the fields having the same conductor and obtain an analogous property on the successive maxima. In Theorem 2.6 we prove, under an assumption (true for p = 2, 3), that the sequence of successive maxima ofFinally we consider cyclic or non-cyclic abelian fields of degrees 4, 8, 6, 9, 10, 30 to test the Conjecture 3.1. The successive maxima of H ( √ D ) ε are also analyzed.