The d-bounded-degree vertex deletion problem, to delete at most k vertices in a given graph to make the maximum degree of the remaining graph at most d, finds applications in computational biology, social network analysis and some others. It can be regarded as a special case of the (d + 2)-hitting set problem and generates the famous vertex cover problem. The d-bounded-degree vertex deletion problem is NP-hard for each fixed d ≥ 0. In terms of parameterized complexity, the problem parameterized by k is W[2]-hard for unbounded d and fixed-parameter tractable for each fixed d ≥ 0. Previously, (randomized) parameterized algorithms for this problem with running time bound O * ((d + 1) k ) are only known for d ≤ 2. In this paper, we give a uniform parameterized algorithm deterministically solving this problem in O * ((d + 1) k ) time for each d ≥ 3. Note that it is an open problem whether the d ′ -hitting set problem can be solved in O * ((d ′ − 1) k ) time for d ′ ≥ 3. Our result answers this challenging open problem affirmatively for a special case. Furthermore, our algorithm also gets a running time bound of O * (3.0645 k ) for the case that d = 2, improving the previous deterministic bound of O * (3.24 k ).The d-bounded-degree vertex deletion problem is a natural generation of the famous vertex cover problem, which is one of the best studied problems in combinatorial optimization. An application of the d-bounded-degree vertex deletion problem in computational biology is addressed by Fellows et. al. [5]: A cliquecentric approach in the analysis of genetic networks based on micro-array data can be modeled as the d-bounded-degree vertex deletion problem. The problem also plays an important role in the area of property testing [12]. Its "dual problem"-the s-plex problem was introduced in 1978 by Seidman and Foster [14] and it becomes an important problem in social network analysis now [1].