We study linear recurrences of Eulerian type of the formwith P 0 (v) given, where α(v), β(v) and γ(v) are in most cases polynomials of low degrees. We characterize the various limit laws of the coefficients of P n (v) for large n using the method of moments and analytic combinatorial tools under varying α(v), β(v) and γ(v), and apply our results to more than two hundred of concrete examples when β(v) = 0 and more than three hundred when β(v) = 0 that we collected from the literature and from Sloane's OEIS database. The limit laws and the convergence rates we worked out are almost all new and include normal, half-normal, Rayleigh, beta, Poisson, negative binomial, Mittag-Leffler, Bernoulli, etc., showing the surprising richness and diversity of such a simple framework, as well as the power of the approaches used.