The generator performance and the aerodynamic heating of a reentry body equipped with an onboard-surface Hall-type magnetohydrodynamic power generator are examined under some different anode electrode configuration cases by means of two-dimensional numerical simulation. The reentry body with a nose radius of 1.35 m has a pair of electrodes on the wall surface. Flight altitude and velocity are set to 60 km and 5:6 km=s, respectively. The strength of an applied magnetic field is about 0.5 T. Numerical results demonstrate that the onboard-surface Hall-type magnetohydrodynamic power generator can effectively mitigate the wall heat flux at the stagnation point as well as extract the electrical power exceeding 1 MW when a ring-shaped anode electrode is placed on the wall surface away from the stagnation point. On the other hand, if a bowl-shaped anode electrode is placed to cover a wide wall surface including the stagnation point, an effective mitigation of the wall heat flux at the stagnation point by the magnetohydrodynamic interaction becomes impossible, although the electrical power exceeding 1 MW can be obtained. This is because a Hall electric field, strong enough to induce the strong magnetohydrodynamic interaction, cannot be obtained near the stagnation point, due to the electrically coupled circuit between the plasma and the bowl-shaped anode electrode. Nomenclature B = magnetic field vector, T B r , B z = components of magnetic flux density in the r and z directions, T B 0 = magnetic flux density at the stagnation point, T D s = effective diffusion coefficient of species s, m 2 =ŝ D s = average vibrational energy of molecule s, which is created or destroyed at rate _ ! s , J=kmol E = total energy, J=kg E = electric field vector, V=m E r , E z = components of electric field in the r and z directions, V=m e = electronic charge, C e r , e z = unit vectors in the r and z directions e ve = vibrational-electronic-electron energy, J=kg e v;s = vibrational energy of species s, J=kg e v;s = equilibrium vibrational energy of species s, J=kg H = total enthalpy, J=kg h s = enthalpy of species s, J=kg h ve;s = vibrational-electronic-electron enthalpy of species s, J=kg I = load current, A I s = first ionization energy of species s, J=kmol J = vector of electric current density, A=m 2 J r , J , J z = components of electric current density in the r, , and z directions, A=m 2 k b = Boltzmann's constant, J=K k b;i = backward reaction rate coefficient for reaction i, m 3 =kmol s or m 6 =kmol 2 s k f;i = forward reaction rate coefficient for reaction i, m 3 =kmol s M e = molecular weight of electron, kg=kmol M s = molecular weight of species s, kg=kmol m = mobility of electron, m 2 =V s m e = mass of electron, kg n e = number density of electron, 1=m 3 n s = number density of species s, 1=m 3 _ n e;s= molar rate of production of species s by electron impact ionization, kmol=m 3 s P = electrical power extracted by magnetohydrodynamic power generator P 1 = freestream pressure, Pa p = static pressure, Pa p e = partial pressure of ...