Percolation in a scale-free hierarchical network is solved exactly by renormalization-group theory in terms of the different probabilities of short-range and long-range bonds. A phase of critical percolation, with algebraic ͓Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless ͑BKT͔͒ geometric order, occurs in the phase diagram in addition to the ordinary ͑compact͒ percolating phase and the nonpercolating phase. It is found that no connection exists between, on the one hand, the onset of this geometric BKT behavior and, on the other hand, the onsets of the highly clustered small-world character of the network and of the thermal BKT transition of the Ising model on this network. Nevertheless, both geometric and thermal BKT behaviors have inverted characters, occurring where disorder is expected, namely, at low bond probability and high temperature, respectively. This may be a general property of long-range networks. Scale-free networks are of high current interest ͓1-5͔ due to their ubiquitous occurrence in physical, biological, social, and information systems and due to their distinctive geometric and thermal properties. The geometric properties reflect the connectivity of the points of the network. The thermal properties reflect the interactions, along the geometric lines of connectivity, between degrees of freedom located at the points of the network. These interacting degrees of freedom could be voters influencing each other, persons communicating a disease, etc. and can be represented by model systems. Among issues most recently addressed have been the occurrence of true or algebraic ͓6,7͔ order in the geometric or thermal long-range correlations, and the connection between these geometric and thermal characteristics. In Ising magnetic systems on a one-dimensional inhomogeneous lattice ͓8-11͔ and on an inhomogeneous growing network ͓12͔, a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless ͑BKT͒ phase in which the thermal correlations between the spins decay algebraically with distance was found. In growing networks ͓13-20͔, geometric algebraic correlations were seen with the exponential ͑non-power-law͒ scaling of the size of the giant component above the percolation threshold. The connection between geometric and thermal properties was investigated with an Ising magnetic system on a hierarchical lattice that can be continuously tuned from non-small-world to highly clustered small-world via increase in the occurrence of quenchedrandom long-range bonds ͓21͔. Whereas in the non-smallworld regime a standard second-order phase transition was found, when the small-world regime is entered, an inverted BKT transition was found, with a high-temperature algebraically ordered phase and a low-temperature phase with true long-range order but delayed short-range order. Algebraic order in the thermal correlations has also been found in a community network ͓22͔. In the current work, the geometric percolation property of the quenched-random long-range bonds is studied, aiming to relate the geometric properties to the algebraic thermal properties. From an exact re...