In Section 1.2 of the original publication Khoa et al. (2020b), we stated that "Cf. Khoa and Muntean (2016) as our initiation, a linearization scheme was briefly designed to prove the weak solvability of (P ε ) as α = 0. However, this result was only guaranteed when the diffusion must be very larger than the Lipschitz rate of reactions. Our next evolution in this area went to the work Khoa et al. (2020a) where, for the first time, we addressed a linearization scheme for the weak solvability of a semi-linear microscopic system with real variable scalings."This statement can be misunderstood to the fact that the scheme is newly designed in Khoa et al. (2020b), based on Khoa and Muntean (2016). Similarly, in the abstract of the original publication Khoa et al. (2020b), we stated that "This work is devoted to the development and analysis of a linearization algorithm for microscopic elliptic equations, with scaled degenerate production, posed in a perforated medium and constrained by the homogeneous Neumann-Dirichlet boundary conditions."