An approximate analysis using a bilinear representation of the stress-strain behaviour has been made for the energy of plastic deformation at the tip of a crack growing under sinusoidal loading of constant amplitude. The energy of plastic deformation results from hysteretic and non-hysteretic plastic deformation. It is shown that the energy due to hysteresis is independent of the rate of growth of the crack whereas energy due to non-hysteretic plastic deformation is dependent on growth rate. Work hardening cue to hysteretic plastic deformation is not considered in the analysis.The energy balance criterion whlch is basic to fracture mechanics has been applied to the problem of crack growth under cyclic loading, considering the energy due to hysteretic plastic deformation in the plastic enclave as obtained in the analysis. The equation of energy balance results in an expression for crack growth rate, consistent with the general trends observed in experiments.Some of the merits and limitations of the energy formulation of fatigue crack growth have been discussed.
NotationsYoct -Yoct Crack length Thickness of sheet Octahedral shear stress at any point near the crack tip Octahedral shear stress range at any point near the crack tip under constant amplitude cyclic loading conditions Octahedral shear strain at any point near the crack tip Octahedral shear strain range at any point near the crack tip under constant amplitude cyclic loading condition Octahedral shear stress at any point near the crack tip given by an elastic analysis Octahedral shear stress range at any point near the crack tip under constant amplitude cyclic loading given by an elastic analysis Octahedral shear stress at yield under monotonic loading (Fig. 2) Octahedral shear stress at yield under cyclic loading (Fig. 2) ~O l I /~O l , Young's modulus Secant modulus Shear modulus Secant modulus of the octahedral shear stress-strain curve As defined in Fig. ; ! G I G ; t = ~o c t /~o l , ; f = foc@oll ; = ~::t/=ol* ; i? = f::t/foll