Let D ⊂ C be a domain with 0 ∈ D. For R > 0, letωD (R) denote the harmonic measure of D ∩ {|z| = R} at 0 with respect to the domain D ∩ {|z| < R} and ωD (R) denote the harmonic measure of ∂D ∩ {|z| ≥ R} at 0 with respect to D. The behavior of the functions ωD andωD near ∞ determines (in some sense) how large D is. However, it is not known whether the functions ωD andωD always have the same behavior when R tends to ∞. Obviously, ωD (R) ≤ωD (R) for every R > 0. Thus, the arising question, first posed by Betsakos, is the following: Does there exist a positive constant C such that for all simply connected domains D with 0 ∈ D and all R > 0,In general, we prove that the answer is negative by means of two different counter-examples. However, under additional assumptions involving the geometry of D, we prove that the answer is positive. We also find the value of the optimal constant for starlike domains.