Abstract. We study how the lift-and-project method introduced by Lovász and Schrijver [SIAM J. Optim., 1 (1991), pp. 166-190] applies to the cut polytope. We show that the cut polytope of a graph can be found in k iterations if there exist k edges whose contraction produces a graph with no K 5 -minor. Therefore, for a graph G with n ≥ 4 nodes with stability number α(G), n − 4 iterations suffice instead of the m (number of edges) iterations required in general and, under some assumption, n − α(G) − 3 iterations suffice. The exact number of needed iterations is determined for small n ≤ 7 by a detailed analysis of the new relaxations. If positive semidefiniteness is added to the construction, then one finds in one iteration a relaxation of the cut polytope which is tighter than its basic semidefinite relaxation and than another one introduced recently by Anjos and Wolkowicz [Discrete Appl. Math., to appear]. We also show how the Lovász-Schrijver relaxations for the stable set polytope of G can be strengthened using the corresponding relaxations for the cut polytope of the graph G ∇ obtained from G by adding a node adjacent to all nodes of G.Key words. linear relaxation, semidefinite relaxation, lift-and-project, cut polytope, stable set polytope AMS subject classifications. 05C50, 15A57, 52B12, 90C22, 90C27 PII. S1052623400379371 1. Introduction. Lovász and Schrijver [22] have introduced a method for constructing a higher dimensional convex set whose projection N (K) approximates the convex hull P of the 0-1 valued points in a polytope K defined by a given system of linear inequalities. If the linear system is in d variables, the convex set consists of symmetric matrices of order d + 1 satisfying certain linear conditions. A fundamental property of the projection N (K) is that one can optimize over it in polynomial time and thus find an approximate solution to the original problem in polynomial time. Moreover, after d iterations of the operator N , one finds the polytope P . Lovász and Schrijver [22] also introduce some strengthenings of the basic construction; in particular, adding positive semidefinite constraints leads to the operator N + , and adding stronger linear conditions in the definition of the higher dimensional set of matrices leads to the operators N and N + . They study in detail how the method applies to the stable set polytope. Starting with K = FRAC(G) (the fractional stable set polytope defined by nonnegativity and the edge constraints), they show that in one iteration of the N operator one obtains all odd hole inequalities (and no more), while in one iteration of the N + operator one obtains many inequalities including odd wheel, clique, and odd antihole inequalities and orthogonality constraints; therefore, the relaxation N + (FRAC(G)) is tighter than the basic semidefinite relaxation of the stable set polytope by the theta body TH(G). In particular, this method permits one to solve the maximum stable set problem in a t-perfect graph or in a perfect graph in polynomial time. They also show th...