SUMMARYThis is the second part of a trilogy on parallel solution of the linear elasticity problem. We consider the plain case of the problem with isotropic material, including discontinuous coe cients, and with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition. The discretized problem is solved by the preconditioned conjugate gradient (pcg) method.In the ÿrst part of the trilogy block-diagonal preconditioners based on the separate displacement component part of the elasticity equations were analysed. The preconditioning systems were solved by the pcg-method, i.e. inner iterations were performed. As preconditioner, we used modiÿed incomplete factorization MIC(0), where possibly the element matrices were modiÿed in order to give M -matrices, i.e. in order to guarantee the existence of the MIC(0) factorization.In the present paper, the second part, full block incomplete factorization preconditioners are presented and analysed. In order to avoid inner=outer iterations we also study a variant of the block-diagonal method and of the full block method, where the matrices of the inner systems are just replaced by their MIC(0)-factors. A comparison is made between the various methods with respect to rate of convergence and work per unknown. The fastest methods are implemented by message passing utilizing the MPI system.In the third part of the trilogy, we will focus on the use of higher-order ÿnite elements.