We consider the initial ‘slumping phase’ of a lock-release gravity current (GC) on a down slope with focus on particle-driven (turbidity) flows, in the inertia–buoyancy (large Reynolds number) and Boussinesq regime. We use a two-layer shallow-water (SW) model for the depth-averaged variables, and compare the predictions with previously published experimental data. In particular, we analyse the empirical conclusion of Gadal et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 974, 2023, A4) that the slumping displays a constant speed for a significant range of slopes and particle-sedimentation speeds. We emphasize the physical definition of the slumping phase (stage): the adjustment process during which (a) the fluid in the lock is set into motion by the dam break, then (b) forms a tail from the backwall to the nose. We focus on the question of if and when the propagation speed
of the nose (front) of the GC is constant during this process (there is consensus that a significant deceleration of
appears in the post-slumping stage.) The SW theory predicts correctly the adjustment of the flow field during the slumping stage, but indicates that a constant
appears only for the classical case (
$\gamma =E=c_D=\beta =0$
) where
$\gamma, E, c_D, \beta$
are the slope, entrainment and drag coefficients, and the scaled particle settling speed for a particle-driven GC. However, since
$\gamma, E, c_D, \beta$
are typically small, the change of
during the slumping phase is also small in many cases of interest. The interaction between the various driving and hindering mechanisms is elucidated. We show that, in a system with a horizontal (open) top (typical laboratory experiments), the height of the ambient increases along the slope, and this compensates for buoyancy loss due to particle sedimentation. We point out the need for further experimental and simulation studies for a better understanding of the slumping phase and transition to the next phases, and further assessment/improvement of the SW predictions.