For any decomposition of a Lie superalgebra G into a direct sum G " H ' E of a subalgebra H and a subspace E, we construct a nonlinear realisation of G on E. The result generalises a theorem by Kantor from Lie algebras to Lie superalgebras. When G is a differential graded Lie algebra, it gives a construction of an associated L 8 -algebra.2 The Z-graded Lie algebra associated to a vector spaceWe start with an arbitrary vector space U 1 (over some arbitrary field), from which we define vector spaces U 0 , U ´1, U ´2, . . . recursively by(2.1) for p " 1, 2, . . .. Thus U ´p`1 consists of all linear maps from U 1 to U ´p`2 , and in particular U 0 " End U 1 . Let A p P U ´p`1 , for some p " 1, 2, . . ., and let x 1 , x 2 , . . . P U 1 . Then A p px 1 q P U ´p`2 and if p ě 2, this means that A p px 1 qpx 2 q " `Ap px 1 q ˘px 2 q is an element in U ´p`3 .