Summary. We discuss, first, TUring's role in the development of the computer; second , the early history of Artificial Intelligence (to 1956); and third , TUring's famous imit ation game, now universally known as the TUring t est , which he proposed in cameo form in 1948 and t hen more fully in 1950 and 1952. Various objections have been raised to Turin g's test: we describe some of t he most prominent and explain why, in our view, they fail.
Turing and the Computer
The Turing MachineIn his first major publication, "On Computable Numbe rs, with an Application to t he Entsc heidungs problem" [91] , TUring introduced his "universal computin g machine" and t he id ea essential t o the modern computer -the concept of cont r olling a comput ing machin e's op erations by means of a program of coded ins tructions stored in the machine's memory. This work had a profou nd influenc e on t he development in t he 1940s of t he electronic st ored-progra m digit al com puter -an influence often neglect ed or deni ed by historians of the computer."The univ ersal com puting machine of 1936~now known simply as t he "universal TUring machine"~is an abstract concept ual model. It consists of a scanner and a limi tless memory-tap e that moves back and forward past t he scanne r. The scanne r reads t he symbols on t he tape and writ es further symbols. The machine has a sm all rep ertoire of basic op erati ons; complexity of operation is achieved by chaining to gether basic op erati ons. The machine is universal in t he sense t hat it can be programmed to carry out any calculati on that could be p erformed by a "human computer" -a clerk who works systemat ically and who has unlimit ed time and an endless supply of paper and pe nc ils.The universal machine has a single, fixed table of instructions built into it. These "hard-wired" ins tructions enable the machine to read and execute symbolically encode d instructions inscrib ed on its t ap e. The data to be worked on are also insc ri be d on the memory-t ap e. By inscribing different programs 1 See, for example, Campb ell-Kelly and Aspray [15]. The nature and scope of TUring's influence is underplayed even in Hodges' biography of Turing [48].C. Teuscher (ed.), Alan Turing: Life and Legacy of a Great Thinker