For two graphs G and H, write G rbw −→ H if G has the property that every proper colouring of its edges yields a rainbow copy of H. We study the thresholds for such so-called anti-Ramsey properties in randomly perturbed dense graphs, which are unions of the form G ∪ G(n, p), where G is an n-vertex graph with edge-density at least d, and d is a constant that does not depend on n. We determine the threshold for the property G ∪ G(n, p) rbw −→ Ks for every s. We show that for s ≥ 9 the threshold is n −1/m 2 (K s/2 ) ; in fact, our 1-statement is a supersaturation result. This turns out to (almost) be the threshold for s = 8 as well, but for every 4 ≤ s ≤ 7, the threshold is lower and is different for each 4 ≤ s ≤ 7. Moreover, we prove that for every ≥ 2 the threshold for the property G∪G(n, p) rbw −→ C 2 −1 is n −2 ; in particular, the threshold does not depend on the length of the cycle C 2 −1 . It is worth mentioning that for even cycles, or more generally for any fixed bipartite graph, no random edges are needed at all.