Detection thresholds for auditory stimuli (signals) increase in the
presence of maskers. Natural environments contain maskers/distractors that can
have a wide range of spatiotemporal properties relative to the signal. While
these parameters have been well explored psychophysically in humans, they have
not been well explored in animal models, and their neuronal underpinnings are
not well understood. As a precursor to the neuronal measurements, we report the
effects of systematically varying the spatial and temporal relationship between
signals and noise in macaque monkeys (Macaca mulatta and
Macaca radiata). Macaques detected tones masked by noise in
a Go/No-Go task in which the spatiotemporal relationships between the tone and
noise were systematically varied. Masked thresholds were higher when the masker
was continuous or gated on and off simultaneously with the signal, and lower
when the continuous masker was turned off during the signal. A burst of noise
caused higher masked thresholds if it completely temporally overlapped with the
signal, whereas partial overlap resulted in lower thresholds. Noise durations
needed to be at least 100 ms before significant masking could be observed.
Thresholds for short duration tones were significantly higher when the onsets of
signal and masker coincided compared to when the signal was presented during the
steady state portion of the noise (overshoot). When signal and masker were
separated in space, masked signal detection thresholds decreased relative to
when the masker and signal were co-located (spatial release from masking).
Masking release was larger for azimuthal separations than for elevation
separations. These results in macaques are similar to those observed in humans,
suggesting that the specific spatiotemporal relationship between signal and
masker determine threshold in natural environments for macaques in a manner
similar to humans. These results form the basis for future investigations of
neuronal correlates and mechanisms of masking.