Given the multitude of growth habits, pronounced sensitivity to ambient conditions and wide range of scales involved, snowflake crystals are one of the most challenging systems to model. The present work focuses on the development and validation of a coupled flow/species/phase solver based on the lattice Boltzmann method. It is first shown that the model is able to correctly capture species and phase growth coupling. Furthermore, through a study of crystal growth subject to ventilation effects, it is shown that the model correctly captures hydrodynamics-induced asymmetrical growth. The validated solver is then used to model snowflake growth under different ambient conditions with respect to humidity and temperature in the plate-growth regime section of the Nakaya diagram. The resulting crystal habits are compared to both numerical and experimental reference data available in the literature. The overall agreement with experimental data shows that the proposed algorithm correctly captures both the crystal shape and the onset of primary and secondary branching instabilities. As a final part of the study the effects of forced convection on snowflake growth are studied. It is shown, in agreement with observations in the literature, that under such condition the crystal exhibits non-symmetrical growth. The non-uniform humidity around the crystal due to forced convection can even result in the coexistence of different growth modes on different sides of the same crystal.