The optimization of heat exchanger network (HEN) synthesis still remains an open problem because of the complexity of the space comprising all the possible solutions, and most of the proposed methods introduce simplifying assumptions that mainly affect the topological features of the candidate solutions considered and thus artificially limit the boundaries of the search space.This work is devoted to the pursuit of cost-optimal HENs with unconstrained topology, exploiting the advantages deriving from two graph representations of a HEN. One representation is used by an evolutionary algorithm to manage HEN topology and the other is used by a NLP algorithm to manage heat load distribution among the exchangers. The proposed two-level hybrid optimization method is applied to four test cases taken from the literature about HEN synthesis, among which the well-known Aromatics Plant problem.Keywords: synthesis optimization, heat exchanger networks, graph theory.
ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPTThe synthesis of cost optimal heat exchanger networks with unconstrained topology -Andrea Toffolo