The exact expression for the transient response to a unit step input is 643 c ( T ) = 1 +-The dimensionless settling time T,, for { < {-, is the lowest value of dimensionless time T, equal to or greater than T,,, for which c(T) = 1 =F B and thereafter stays within the limits 1 f B. Here, T,, is the time corresponding to the maximum overshoot and is given byDetermination of whether the (1 + B) limit or the (1 -B) limit governs depends upon the value of { and is probably best found by direction substitution and consequent iteration. For example, by referring to the graphical presentation of the dimensionless transient response versus dimensionless time in Fig. 6-14 in [2, p. 3351, it can be seen that for {=0.3, there are two values of T,; 1) for the case of two extrema (maximum or minimum) before staying within the (1 + B ) limits, the lower limit (1 -B ) governs and T, 3 7.98; and 2) for the case of three extrema before staying within the limits, the upper limit (1 + B) governs and T, G Abstract-A number of computationally reliable direct methods for pole assignment by feedback have recently been developed. These direct