Given a pure-jump subordinator (i.e. nondecreasing Lévy process with no drift) with continuous Lévy measure ν, we derive a formula for the distribution function F s (x; t) at time t of the associated subordinator whose Lévy measure is the restriction of ν to (0, s]. It will be expressed in terms of ν and the marginal distribution function F (·; t) of the original process. A generalization concerning an arbitrary truncation of ν will follow. Under certain conditions, an analogous formula will be obtained for the nth derivative, ∂ n F s (x; t)/∂x n . The requirement that ν is continuous is shown to have no intrinsic meaning. A number of interesting results involving the size ordered jumps of subordinators will be derived. An appropriate approximation for the small jumps of a gamma process will be considered, leading to a revisiting of the generalized Dickman distribution.