This is the continuation of the research on Artin's L-functions initiated in [4]. The knowledge of [4] is not necessary in order to understand the result presented here.Let a n , n f 1, be complex numbers. If for a real number y the summatory function P nex a n is Oðx y Þ as x ! y, then the Dirichlet series P y n¼1 a n n s converges in the half-plane ReðsÞ > y. For a non-principal Dirichlet character modulo m it holds for every x f 1 P nex wðnÞ e jðmÞ;so P nex wðnÞ is Oð1Þ and the series P y n¼1 wðnÞ n s converges for ReðsÞ > 0. The main result of this paper is Theorem. Let K=Q be a finite Galois extension, let w be an r-dimensional character of the Galois group G ¼ GalðK=QÞ which does not contain the principal character, let L ur ðs; w; K=QÞ be the unramified part of the corresponding Artin L-function, and let L ur ðs; w; K=QÞ 1 r ¼ P y n¼1 a n n s for ReðsÞ > 1.(i) It holds ja n j e 1 for every n f 1.(ii) The summatory function P nex a n is oðxÞ as x ! y.The theorem says in the case K ¼ Qðe 2pi m Þ that P nex wðnÞ is oðxÞ as x ! y, which is weaker than P nex wðnÞ is Oð1Þ. It should be seen as an assertion about a general Artin L-function in the case of a non-abelian extension K=Q.Brought to you by | California Institute of Technology Authenticated Download Date | 5/27/15 12:45 AM