Abstract:We describe particular nanoarchitectures (superlattices of superconducting wires and layers) where a mechanism to evade temperature decoherence effects in a quantum condensate is switched on by tuning the charge density. The superlattice structure determines the subbands and the corresponding Bloch wavefunctions of charge carriers at the Fermi level with different parity and different spatial locations. The disparity and negligible overlap between electron wave-functions in different subbands suppress the single electron interband impurity scattering rate and allow the multiband superconductivity in the clean limit. The quantum trick that bestows to the system the property to resist to the decoherence attacks of high temperature is the Feshbach shape resonance in the interband off-diagonal exchange-like pairing term i.e., in the quantum configuration interaction between pairing channels in different subbands. It occurs by tuning the chemical potential at a particular point near a Van Hove singularity (vHs) in the electronic energy spectrum, or a Lifshitz electronic topological transition (ETT), associated with the change of the dimensionality of the Fermi surface topology of one of the subbands.