In the paper, the multi-attribute objects with repeating qualitative values of attributes are considered. Each object is represented by a collection of multisets drawn from sets of values of the attributes. Formalism of the theory of multisets allows taking into account simultaneously all the combinations of attribute values and various versions of the objects. The effective procedure for comparing such obj ects as well as groups of such objects is developed. The considered measure of perturbation of one obj ect by another is proposed as the difference of the multisets representing the objects. The measure describes remoteness between the objects, and, in general, is asymmetrical , and therefore cannot be treated as the distance. Next, we introduce the new measure of perturbation of one group of objects by another group of objects and then generate the description of each group of objects in the form of the classification rules to distinguish the considered groups. A practical illustration of the proposed approach is carried out for the task of grouping of text documents described by multisets.