In this paper we study the properties of black holes and scalarons in Einstein gravity when it is minimally coupled to a scalar field φ with an asymmetric potential V (φ), constructed in [Phys. Rev. D 73 (2006), 084002] a few decades ago. V (φ) has been applied in the cosmology to describe the quantum tunneling process from the false vacuum to the true vacuum and contains a local maximum, a local minimum (false vacuum) and a global minimum (true vacuum). In particular we focus on the asymptotically flat solutions, which can be constructed by fixing appropriately the local minimum of V . A branch of hairy black holes solutions emerge from the Schwarzschild black hole, and we study the domain of existence of such configurations. They can reach to a particle-like solution in the small horizon limit, i.e. the scalarons. We study the stability of black holes and scalarons, showing that all of them are unstable under radial perturbations.