ABSTRACT. The space H(E) of holomorphic functions on a quasicomplete nuclear space is investigated. If H(E) is endowed with the compact open topology, it is shown that H(E) is nuclear if and only iff' (continuous dual of E) is nuclear. If E is a VFN (dual of a Fréchet nuclear space) and F is a closed subspace of E, then the restriction mapping H(E) -* H(F) is a surjective strict morphism.
Topologies on H(E). In this article, E will denote a quasi-complete nuclear locally convex space over the complex numbers C E' will denote the continuous dual of E endowed with the strong topology (topology of uniform convergence on bounded subsets of E). In a quasi-complete nuclear space E, bounded subsets are relatively compact. Therefore the strong topology on E' coincides with the Mackey topology (topology of uniform convergence on convex compact subsets of E). If U is a convex balanced neighborhood of 0 in E, pv will denote its Minkowski functional.If AT is a convex balanced compact subset of E, [K] will denote the linear span of K in E. IfxG [K], then pK(x) = inf{ X.xGXK and X > 0}. The polar K° ofK is the set {ip: ¡pGE' where \ip\K = sup^^-l^*)! < 1}. As K varies through the convex balanced compact subsets of E, the sets K° form a base of neighborhoods for 0 in E'. pRo is the seminorm defined on E' by pK°(.E' is a nuclear space if given any convex balanced compact subset K of E, there exists another convex balanced compact subset Kx of E containing K such that the mapping E'(K°x) -*■ E'(K°) is a nuclear mapping between normed spaces. E'(K\) -> E'(K°) is nuclear if there exist (an)n Ç [Kx] and (ipn)n ÇE' such that for each ipGE',y = 2Ar> tf/ri)1 'r. Definition 1.1. L(mE), P(mE) will denote, respectively, the continuous w-linear forms and the continuous m-homogeneous polynomials on E. For each