“…Any spring balance weighing design is defined as a design in which we determine unknown measurements of p objects in n measurement operations according to the model y = Xw + e, where: 1) y is a n × 1 random vector of the recorded results of measurements, 2) X = (x ij ) ϵ Φ n×p (0, 1), Φ n×p (0, 1) denotes the class of matrices with elements x ij = 1 or 0, i = 1, 2, …, n, j = 1, 2, …, p, 3) w is a p × 1 vector of unknown measurements of objects, 4) e is an n × 1 random vector of errors, E(e) = 0 n and E(ee') = σ 2 G, G is known as a positive definite matrix. The possibility of using the proposed methodology of measuring economic phenomena is presented in Banerjee (1975) and Ceranka and Graczyk (2014c).…”