Abstract. An iterative finite-difference scheme for initial value problems is presented. It is applied to the quasi-linear hyperbolic system representing the one-dimensional time dependent flow of a compressible polytropic gas. The emphasis in this research was on the handling of discontinuities, such as shock waves, and overcoming the post-shock oscillations resulting from nonlinear instabilities. The linear stability is investigated as well. The success of the method is indicated by the monotonie profiles which were obtained for almost all the cases tested.1. Introduction. In this paper we describe a finite-difference scheme of an iterative character which is used to solve initial value problems. In particular, we examine quasi-linear hyperbolic systems, such as the one describing the onedimensional time dependent flow of a compressible polytropic gas. The emphasis in this research was on the handling of discontinuities, such as shock waves, and overcoming the post-shock oscillations resulting from nonlinear instabilities. The success of the method is indicated by the monotonie profiles which were obtained for almost all the cases tested.The method is based on an idea which was first examined by Gary [1] and considered by him to be unsatisfactory [2]. It will be shown what modifications are needed to insure stability and monotonicity of the flow property profiles. Recently Gourlay and Morris [9] used a similar approach to deal with problems which have smooth solutions.The scheme is compared with several others, including the one proposed by Godunov, by performing the numerical computations for two hydrodynamic