An analysis of the social and hygienic aspects of preserving labor potential as an important component of the sustainable development of the Russian grain complex was carried out. Based on social and hygienic studies, an assessment of the factors of maintaining labor potential during the operation of agricultural machinery is given. It has been established that technical and ergonomic imperfections, moral and physical aging of agricultural machinery create harmful working conditions, the chronic impact of which leads to the development of occupational diseases among agricultural machine operators (vibration disease, radiculopathy of the lumbosacral level, sensorineural hearing loss), as well as the development and severity of the course of general diseases (arterial hypertension, respiratory diseases). The interviewed machine operators (95%) associated the deterioration of their health with the negative impact of production factors (r=0.9, p<0.005) and social and living conditions that affect the prestige of agricultural work and the formation of personnel shortages. Technical re-equipment, development of rural infrastructure, ensuring safe working conditions, maintaining health, increasing the social well-being of workers are the main resources for the sustainable development of the agroindustrial complex of the Russian economy.