The Cauchy problem of propagation of plastic state zones in a boundless medium from the boundary of a convex surface, along which normal pressure and shear forces act, is considered. In the case of complete plasticity, the Tresca system of quasi-static equations of ideal plasticity, which describes the stress-strain state of the medium, is known to be hyperbolic and to be similar to a system that describes a steady-state flow of an ideal incompressible fluid. This system is numerically solved with the use of a difference scheme applied for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. Results of numerical calculations are presented.Key words: Tresca ideal plasticity, complete plasticity, support function of a contour, equidistant surface, hyperbolic system of conservation laws.In the case of complete plasticity, the quasi-static equations of the Tresca ideal plasticity for determining stresses have the form [1](1) t 1 = (σ 11 , σ 12 , σ 13 ) t , t 2 = (σ 21 , σ 22 , σ 23 ) t , t 3 = (σ 31 , σ 32 , σ 33 ) t ;( 2 ) σ ij = σδ ij