In this paper, using the holographic prescription, we study multispin bound states and their dispersion relations over the κ-deformed AdS 3 × S 3 background. In the first part of our analysis, considering the conformal gauge conditions (associated with the Polyakov action) we explore the dispersion relation associated with spin two bound states at strong coupling. We solve corresponding world-sheet fluctuations and compute all the conserved quantities associated with the stringy dynamics over the deformed background. In the second part of our analysis, we perform similar analysis for spin three configurations. In both cases, we observe the emergence of non trivial background deformation that vanishes in the limit, κ → 0.
Overview and MotivationAccording to the celebrated AdS 5 /CF T 4 correspondence [1], the type IIB string theory formulated in AdS 5 × S 5 background is dual to strongly coupled N = 4 SYM in four dimensions. Given this astonishing prescription, one could in fact think of several remarkable implications and/or consequences that naturally emerges out of this duality conjecture. One immediate consequence of this duality conjecture turns out to be the obvious equivalence between the spectrum of stringy excitation in AdS 5 × S 5 to that with the spectrum of operator dimensions in N = 4 SYM theory. In order to test this duality conjecture, one therefore needs to check the full quantum spectrum on both sides of the duality which is undoubtedly a difficult job in itself. However, it turns out that this situations seems to get quite manageable under certain special circumstances namely, in the limit where the number of colors becomes large, N 1. This is the so called planar limit of the duality where one could in principle carry out semi-classical computations on the string theory side in order to compare it with the spectrum of anomalous dimensions corresponding to single trace (gauge invariant) operators on the dual gauge theory side. In other words, the theory becomes integrable on both sides of the duality [2].A remarkable breakthrough along this direction came through the proposal due to Minahan and Zarembo [3] who sort of unveiled an astonishing connection between spin chains and that of the stringy dynamics in AdS 5 × S 5 by identifying the Hamiltonian operator corresponding to the spin chain systems to that with the dilatation operator in * E-mail:, dibarak@post.bgu. One remarkable achievement along this particular direction came through the discovery of the underlying connection between the physics of the spin wave (magnon like) excitation associated with long spin chains to that with certain specific (rotating and pulsating) stringy configurations in AdS 5 × S 5 [17]- [40]. In the following we elaborate on this issue in a bit detail. We consider the limit where one of the conserved charges (J) of the dual SO(6) symmetry becomes infinitely large. This is the so called limit where one considers infinitely long chain of single trace operators on one side of the duality...