“…The wellposedness of the above MFGC system has been investigated by many authors in recent years, essentially in the case β = 0 and b(x, a, ν) = a. For example, Gomes-Patrizi-Voskanyan [23], Kobeissi [28], Graber-Mayorga [26] investigated the system under some smallness conditions, and the global wellposedness (especially the uniqueness) was studied by Gomes-Voskanyan [24,25], Carmona-Lacker [17], Carmona-Delarue [15], Cardaliaguet-Lehalle [12], Kobeissi [27], under the crucial Lasry-Lions monotonicity condition. We also refer to Djete [19] for some convergence analysis from N -player games to MFGCs and Achdou-Kobeissi [2] for some numerical studies of MFGCs, without requiring the uniqueness of the equilibria.…”