In 1935 E. Cartan classified all symmetric bounded domains [6]. At that time he proved that a bounded symmetric domain is homogeneous with respect to its group of holomorphic automorphisms. Thus the more general problem of investigating homogeneous bounded domains arose. It was known to E. Cartan that all homogeneous bounded domains of dimension <3 are symmetric [6] In this work we present a new method for the description of homogeneous Siegel domains. This method entails a classification of the domains considered and makes it possible to answer several of the open question. We are able to reproduce the known results and, in some cases, Received April 23, 1979. This article coincides up to minor changes with chapter I of the authors "Habilitationsschrift" [13] which has been accepted by the "Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultat der Westfalischen Wilhelms-Universitat zu Mϋnster". https://doi