The recent discovery of the first Neptune Trojan at the planet's trailing
(L5) Lagrange point, 2008 LC18, offers an opportunity to confirm the formation
mechanism of a member of this important tracer population for the Solar
system's dynamical history. We tested the stability of 2008 LC18's orbit
through a detailed dynamical study, using test particles spread across the
orbital uncertainties in a, e, i and {\Omega}. This showed that the wide
uncertainties of the published orbit span regions of both extreme dynamical
instability, with lifetimes < 100 Myr, and with significant stability (> 1 Gyr
lifetimes). The stability of 2008 LC18's clones is greatly dependent on their
semi-major axis and only weakly correlated with their eccentricity. Test
particles on orbits with an initial semi-major axis less than 29.91 AU have
dynamical half-lives shorter than 100 Myr; in contrast, particles with an
initial semi-major axis greater than 29.91 AU exhibit such strong dynamical
stability that almost all are retained over the 1 Gyr of our simulations. More
observations of this object are necessary to improve the orbit. If 2008 LC18 is
in the unstable region, then our simulations imply that it is either a
temporary Trojan capture, or a representative of a slowly decaying Trojan
population (like its sibling the L4 Neptunian Trojan 2001 QR322), and that it
may not be primordial. Alternatively, if the orbit falls into the larger,
stable region, then 2008 LC18 is a primordial member of the highly stable and
highly inclined component of the Neptune Trojan population, joining 2005 TN53
and 2007 VL305. We attempted to recover 2008 LC18 using the 2.3m telescope at
Siding Spring Observatory to provide this astrometry, but were unsuccessful due
to the high stellar density of its current sky location near the galactic
centre. The recovery of this object will require a telescope in the 8m class.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ